An Atheist Drug Addict in Recovery
Patrick’s treatment at The Lake House Recovery Center helped him see that he didn’t have to abandon his atheist past in order to seek God’s help in getting sober
A solid connection with a higher power is the best way to experience recovery and discover the new “you” in sobriety. When I first entered the Lake house Recovery Center, it was not my original intention to get sober. I just wanted to appease my family’s wishes, exit after two or three months, and continue with my bad habits. I did not care what happened to me, so long as I could be high and escape my problems. About a month into my stay, a staff member asked me if I would give the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous a try. I was less than excited, but after a short time I gave in. I may not have wanted to get sober, but I indeed wanted to become a better human being.
I had been raised atheist for the majority of my life and was reluctant to believe that anything outside of myself could exist. However, as the weeks went on, I realized that the only way I was going to be able to be that ideal being was to surrender my ego to god. What I had been doing for so many years hadn’t been working. I needed a new entity other than myself to ask for guidance. It needed to be genuine, faceless, and the ideal of purity and moral righteousness. The universe delivered. God flows through my world. It does not govern, but simply advises. It is the moral compass…the ability to see what the right course of action is, no matter how painful and awkward it may seem. God however can only take us to the tipping point. It is the new “you” in sobriety that gets to observe gods intentions, then act on them. We must constantly be ready for god to reveal itself in all our daily actions. This connection to god is what keeps me sober today.
It has been nearly a year since I put the old me to rest, and I couldn’t be happier. I am one with the universe, and the universe is one with me. I can’t thank the staff of LHRC enough, for I don’t think I would still be here without them.